Uloom Training

CAPM® Exam Prep Course

CAPM® Exam Prep course

CAPM® (Certified Associate in Project Management) is a certification exam offered by PMI® (Project Management Institute). A CAPM® certificate demonstrates that a person possesses the foundational project management knowledge and skills that project teams require. This certification equips a person to start a career in project management.

There are 4 easy steps to get PMP® certification:

  1. Confirm your eligibility for the certification
  2. Attend CAPM® examination preparation course with Uloom Training
  3. Apply for CAPM® examination by completing an application
  4. Take the exam through PMI® facilitated schedule

CAPM® Exam Prep Course:

We offer a comprehensive course that will help you prepare for the CAPM® examination within a reasonable time. Our course is based on PMI® recommended training material including PMBOK® guide, 7th edition. The course covers necessary project management knowledge, skills, tools, techniques, methods, processes and best practices as follows:

Course Outline (30 hours):

  1. Introduction to project management
  2. Project Management Foundation
  3. Predictive, Plan-Based Methodologies
  4. Project Performance Domains
  5. Agile Framework & Methodologies
  6. Business Analysis Framework
  7. Sample Exam Question
  8. In-class Practice

Course Format Choices:

  1. Online but Instructor-led sessions (4 hours each) on weekends
  2. In-class Instructor-led sessions (full-day each) on Saturday or Sunday

Please contact us for details and schedule

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Secondary degree, such as high school diploma, GED (General Education Development) or global equivalent
  2. Project Management course such as CAPM® Exam Prep

For more information, course schedule and registration, please contact us